Like many St. Paul employers, you may be including virtual interviews as a permanent part of your recruitment process. This saves a significant amount of time and money on travel and screening. It also makes your company appear more innovative than companies that do not conduct virtual interviews. Knowing how to hold an interview effectively helps you find the best candidates for your roles.
Implement these three tips to lead a virtual interview successfully.
1. Proactively Share Your Expectations and Processes
Let each candidate know which criteria the hiring manager will use to evaluate them during a virtual interview. Include what the proper attire and background may look like, an acceptable level of background noises, and other pertinent information. Email these details at least 24 hours before the interview. Include a link to the meeting
and detailed instructions to join. Mention that the candidate will need a device with a camera that is turned on for the entire interview. Give tips to improve their performance as well. These may include putting pets in another room, turning off electronic devices, and closing email applications to prevent notification sounds. The candidate should feel more confident and prepared for the discussion then.
2. Maintain a Structure Similar to an In-Person Interview
Before the interview, outline the main points you want to cover during the discussion. This
will help you stay on track. Be sure to allow enough time for an ice breaker to get to know the candidate on a personal level. This can help them relax and feel more confident. Also, share background on the company, information about the team, and details about the role. Additionally, ask behavioral questions to determine whether the candidate would fit with company culture and appropriately fill the job responsibilities. Plus, leave time in the end to answer questions.
3. Provide Real-Time Feedback on the Video and Audio Quality
Let the candidate know whether there are issues with the picture or sound that are distracting you from the conversation. This may include the background chosen for the virtual interview or ongoing interruptions from people or pets. Respectfully explain the issue and suggest ways to resolve it. Assure the candidate they are not being judged. This type of feedback provides insight into what it would be like to work for you. The candidate may be more interested in working for you if extended a job offer. Continue the interview when the problem is solved.
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