If your year-end review is approaching, you may be feeling anxious about how it could turn out. To make things easier on yourself, you should start preparing for the discussion now. Reflecting on your accomplishments, asking about earning a promotion, and following up on the conversation are essential parts of the process.
Implement these three tips to maximize your year-end performance review.
1. Reflect on Your Accomplishments
Keep track of the tasks and projects you worked on over the past 12 months. For instance, note what you started, achieved and learned. Include the mistakes you made and how your efforts contributed to company goals. Be ready to share your achievements with your manager. Use the information to have a more in-depth conversation about the scope of your accomplishments.
2. Ask About Advancement to the Next Level
If you have worked in your role for a significant time and shown you are a top employee, find out what you need to do to get promoted. For instance, let your manager know what your goal is and when you want to achieve it. Ask whether your plan is realistic and how you can achieve it. Include questions about whether department or business group opportunities are coming up in the next year and how you can contribute at a deeper level. This lets your manager know you are willing to do what it takes to earn a raise and move up in the organization.
3. Follow Up
Ask your manager when a good time would be to follow up on your conversation. This may be within the next month or quarter. Aligning your and your manager’s expectations provides adequate time to reflect on the discussion and revisit the issues later. Be sure to implement the feedback your manager gave during your review so you can report on your progress during your follow-up meeting. Also, check-in with your manager along the way to see how they feel about your progress as well.
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