Finding the right people at the right time is tougher than it has been in years past. With the economy at full strength once again, the best talent in the Twin Cities area frequently find themselves with multiple job offers – which means that some companies are missing out.
But there’s hope. By partnering with a staffing firm, you create one connection that pays off in multiple ways. Here are four of the biggest ways a staffing firm can help you staff better in 2016:
- Improve Outreach. These days, simply posting a want ad in the local paper isn’t enough to help a business find the best candidates. Your staffing partner can help you craft a job description that accurately describes the demands of the job and the abilities required to excel, then ensure that the job posting appears in front of the right candidates at the right time.
- Prescreen Candidates. As every hiring manager who has ever faced down a stack of resumes knows, screening candidates is one of the tasks that slows down the hiring process. By taking on many of these prescreening tasks, your staffing partner helps you streamline hiring and “zoom in” on the best candidates, so that you can focus on learning about them individually during the interview.
- Match for Cultural “Fit”. Ever hire a candidate who looked great on paper, but floundered once they joined the team? A match between a candidate’s personality, work style and ethics, and those of your company is as essential to success as a match between skills and job demands. Staffing partners specialize in making those kinds of cultural “fits” between top candidates and the companies they serve.
- Provide Qualified Temp Help. A large project or a seasonal rush calls for qualified temporary employees to help – fast! As the employer of record for temporary staff, your recruiter handles the paperwork while still ensuring you have the right talent available at the right times.
At THE RIGHT STAFF, our experienced recruiters can help you find the right people to make your 2016 business goals a reality. Contact us today to learn more.