Your annual performance review offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn and grow in your career – if you know how to take it. By preparing for your performance review, you can gain valuable information and reduce any feelings of anxiety provoked by the process.
To get the most from your next performance review, consider the following tips:
Review your job description.
When you know the key functions and goals of your job, you’re better prepared to apply the feedback you receive during your performance review. Before your review, examine your job description. Make notes of the points on which you feel you’re performing well, as well as the points on which you feel you need improvement or you need better direction.
Treat your performance review like a conversation.
Your employer’s review of your performance is only one half of your annual performance review. The other half of the review gives you the chance to ask questions and to discuss how your career goals align with the goals of the company as a whole. Treat your performance review like a conversation, in which you both listen to your employer and share your own thoughts. Ask for clarification on points that are unclear to you, as well as for advice on how you can do better.
Set reasonable, measurable goals – and discuss them with your boss.
Your goals for the coming year should align with your job description, your team’s work, and your company’s overall goals. Set reasonable, measurable goals, and share them during your performance review in order to get your company’s approval. Then, treat your goals like a project: set benchmarks and deadlines and collect data, so you can document your progress and show it off at next year’s performance review.
Show your enthusiasm.
Your performance review gives you an opportunity to become even better at your job, so don’t be afraid to demonstrate your enthusiasm and excitement at this opportunity. Use the same active-listening skills you’d employ in an interview to pay careful attention to what your supervisor has to say and to communicate your interest in the information.
At THE RIGHT STAFF, LLC, our experienced recruiters can help you find a job you’ll love. Contact us today to learn more.