During the recent economic downturn, hiring slowed to a near halt throughout multiple industries. Companies put their hiring on hold, turned down qualified candidates, and even let staff members go in order to survive the tough market.
Now that the economy is roaring along again, companies throughout the Minneapolis-St. Paul area are looking for qualified talent. But so many months without a push for hiring has left some hiring managers unfamiliar with the company’s current staffing needs.
How can your company regain its perspective and start hiring smarter, faster, and better? Consider these tips:
- Look at where you are today. Staffing plans from before the recession are likely to be outdated, and following them might do your company more harm than good. Instead, start by taking a look at where your company is today. Who is likely to leave in the coming months or years? Where are your greatest growth opportunities, and what are the upcoming challenges? Which staff members are likely to be promoted, and what “skills gaps” will be left when their current positions are vacated for bigger things? These challenges all offer the opportunity to hire smarter, starting today.
- Review your current staffing plan and job descriptions. If the company has a strategic staffing plan, review it, using your evaluation of today’s staffing position as a touchstone. Where do you feel confident that the plan will meet your predicted staffing challenges? Where is the plan unlikely to live up to the company’s goals – and where does the plan ignore them completely? If your company doesn’t have a strategic staffing plan, start with the job descriptions for current and planned positions. Do they accurately reflect both the job duties required and the skills needed to do them well?
- Talk to a staffing firm. Staffing firms specialize in helping their clients optimize strategic staffing plans, draft accurate and compelling job descriptions, and find people who offer a great cultural “fit” as well as the skills needed to thrive within the organization and the job.
At THE RIGHT STAFF, our experienced Twin Cities staffing partners can help your company get its staffing plans back on the right track, leading to smarter hires and greater productivity. Contact us today to learn more.