Traits of Today’s Top Accounting Professionals

Traits of Today's Top Accounting Professionals | THE RIGHT STAFF

Understanding the most essential traits of today’s top accounting professionals is important for hiring success. Adding the most qualified candidates to your team helps increase your bottom line.

Knowing which traits to look for when interviewing accounting professionals helps guide the questions you ask to gain the insight needed to make informed hiring decisions. These suggestions can help.

Look for these traits when hiring today’s top accounting professionals!

Company Orientation

A top accounting professional focuses on meeting or exceeding company requirements and expectations. This professional has a strong understanding of the organization’s industry and makes educated financial decisions to attain company goals.


A trustworthy accounting professional maintains confidentiality when working with financial statements, revenue, expenditures, tax returns, employee compensation, and related issues. This professional is highly ethical and maintains a solid reputation within the industry.


A flexible accounting professional grows and adapts along with the organization. This professional stays current with changes and developments in the industry and responds accordingly for business success.


An exceptional accounting professional interacts with a variety of employees from different departments within the organization. This professional uses verbal, nonverbal, and written communication to share ideas, give perspectives, and provide context for decisions in a way their audience understands.


A creative accounting professional thinks outside the box to develop effective solutions to company problems. These professionals use their knowledge, skills, and experience to resolve issues and provide additional value to the organization.


An organized accounting professional spends time on research, handles data analysis and processing, balances figures, maintains paperwork and takes care of other daily tasks. This professional stays organized to maintain productivity and meet deadlines.

Time Management

An in-demand accounting professional spends time in meetings contributing to financial decisions and business strategy. This professional prioritizes daily tasks, carefully manages their time, and marks off tasks when completed.

Attention to Detail  

An effective accounting professional focuses on detail to ensure accuracy. This professional triple-checks their work to minimize errors and benefit the company.


A collaborative accounting professional works with employees in different departments to make business decisions. This professional works individually and collaboratively to provide value to the organization.

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