How Much Is a Bad Hire Hurting Your Company?

Making a bad hire does more than merely hurt the work done in one position. Poor hires have a ripple effect throughout an organization, causing damage beyond their own individual role in the organization.

Here’s where a bad hire can hurt your organization:

  1. They’re Less Productive

A hire who is a poor fit will struggle with the work, with team communication, or both. As a result, they’ll work more slowly, make more mistakes, and need more help from other team members to ensure their work is up to par. A candidate who offers a good fit, however, will be able to work productively and even to help other team members reach their potential.

  1. Your Team’s Morale Suffers

A bad hire who lacks the skills to succeed will lean more heavily on his or her teammates in order to get work done, which can cause frustration and stress. A team member whose approach to work doesn’t mesh with the team’s may become the center of conflict and miscommunications, which also have a profound effect on the team’s overall morale. When team members struggle at work, their engagement and productivity drop as well.

  1. Your Hiring Costs Skyrocket

New hires are one of the most expensive parts of a staffing budget once all the costs are calculated. Not only are you responsible for the new hire’s salary, but you also have to meet the costs of sourcing and recruiting candidates for the position, as well as the lost financial gain from having an open position waiting for a new hire to fill it.

When your new hire is a poor fit for the team, your organization may incur the costs of a new hire again as you seek to replace the bad hire with a better one. The added strain on your hiring budget can make finding the right person even more difficult once a bad hire is in place.

Find the Right Talent for You!

At THE RIGHT STAFF, LLC, our recruiters focus on helping our clients in the Twin Cities find the best possible hire for their team and their business goals, every time. Contact us today to learn more.


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